Affiliate Links & Recommendations

In many of our articles, we may earn a small commission when readers purchase trips or tours through our links.

This doesn’t affect which products are included in the articles, and in most cases our writers are not aware of which brands and products offer us a sales commission. All of the trips and tours we highlight are recommended for their quality, performance and overall reputation regardless of any affiliate relationships.

In fact, much of our recommendations comes from small, boutique hotels that don’t offer any sort of affiliate relationships at all. But, they are some of the best hotels out there and so we recommend them.

The commissions we make from these articles allow us to pay our writers the best rates possible, and to allow us to put as much time and energy into the research and vetting side of the review process. We don’t want to cut corners, and we want to pay writers and testers what they’re worth.

Note: we don’t accept guest posts, link insertions or other one-off content requests.

Amazon Associates & Other Programs

As an Amazon Associate, Caribbean Explorer may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from We also partner with sites like Expedia, Tripadvisor, Viator and other travel and tour websites.

Our reputation as a place to find information about the Caribbean is important to us, and that helps us navigate what we recommend to our readers. You can learn more about us here, or get in touch if you have questions or comments our mission at Caribbean Explorer.